My personality type is INFJ. I’m introvert, intuitive, feeling and judgement. What this means is that I get my energy from being alone, I think of all the possible outcomes, I'm more creative and I think of the future more than I rely on facts. I also think not everything is black and white. I tend to be more loving and caring than logical. I'm also more organized, in control and decisive than being open and flexible. Some famous people that are like me are Benedict Cumberbatch, Jennifer Connelly, Plato, Mary Wollstonecraft, Mahatma Gandhi, and Thomas Jefferson. There's also some infamous people that have the same personality as me, but everyone has a personality type, so everyone has at least one infamous person with the same personality.

For the most part, the description of this personality is fairly close to who I am. There are a few things that are things I wouldn't really call myself, but it is close. For example, being organized. I'm not very organized sometimes, and I call myself an organized mess. I can be messy and unorganized, but there are other times where I am very organized. I also try to be open-minded to discussions or when it comes to making a decision, but not all the time. However, I do like to think of theories and different possibilities. I do think of the future A LOT, and it's usually where i see myself, or the world in five years. I also try to understand other people's though process and why they react the way they do. I find it very interesting. I already noticed some of the things this test told me, so I already knew, and I wouldn't really say it helps me understand myself better. It did make me realize all my habits and tendencies. The activities I do are all the activities INFJ's do. I'm constantly listening to music, I love looking at artwork whether it's my own or others. I also like to study the strokes of the pencil or paintbrush. I love learning about other cultures, writing, reading, and socializing with one or two people. These are all activities INFJ's like to do. When I read that I was in shock because that was the most accurate part of my personality, in my opinion.
I think this helps me understand why I tend to take more of a leadership position. I hate the idea of being in charge of a big project, but when the time comes or a problem arises, I tend to lead the group and find possible solutions. I also think of any consequences any possible solution has as well. I guess it's ironic that i'm an introvert, but I also tend to be a leader. I also help people when they are dealing with a tough situation and give them advice. Even if they already tried that, I think of another solution while comforting them. I tend to be shy when I have a new idea because I'm afraid people won't like it. I don't think I've been "misunderstood" in the past because of my personality. The biggest problem I have is when something good happens and I want to tell everyone, but when I walk in the
classroom, I don't tell anyone, only my friends. I have had issues with some people in the past. Some people I don't like working with are those who are always talking in class, those who don't care about the work or don't get it done on time, those who are distracted easily or don't pay attention and are constantly saying "What are we doing" or "I don't know what to do". Every once in a while, I'm okay with someone saying that, but not every five minutes.
I learned some interesting things about myself like the activities I do. I'm more aware now of my habits and how I interact with people. I also noticed how my personality is rare. It is the least common personality among men and the third least common among women. My personality makes up 2% of the general population.
Another part of this test was the LOBG test. This test told me which animal I was most like. The options were Lion, Otter, Beaver, and Golden Retriever. I am most like a golden retriever. This means that i'm very loyal, wanting to be loved by everyone, and have a couple of close friends. I think this fits the best because it fits my personality really well.