Contrast was used through colors based off the dog as well as the style of text. Some text is bold, and other text is italics. Some colors are darker and other are lighter. The main background is black, but the body, or second background, of the poem is a lighter tan. The heading of the poem is a lighter color than the poem.

The body of the poem is lined up with the credits at the bottom. The title is lined in the middle with other parts of the title underneath. At the top, there is a link that is aligned with the poem and the credits.
The title and the credits are the same color. All the colors originate from the dog, repeating a theme. The link at the top has the same color as the body and the title.
Everything is spaced out evenly from each other. The dog is outside of the body, combining the background with the body. The title is separated by space and font style to create proximity. The stanzas are evenly spaced from each other, making everything else look even.
I learned how to apply CARP with web design in HTML. I did have to go into the code a little bit, but it was to make the font Georgia appear on the page. I think CSS is fun to mess around with every once in a while, but not something I want to do everyday.
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