Logo Color Schemes

This logo uses the colors green, yellow-green, and yellow. I think the company probably chose these colors because they help different countries. Green is associated with recycling, renewal and life while yellow is associated with happiness and sunshine. Together, these colors tell the world that this company is providing healthy ways for people and spreading the joy of helping.

This logo uses the colors yellow, green, and blue-green. I think the company chose these colors because blue often represents water and freshness. For green and yellow, sprite is a lemon-lime flavored soda. Lemons are yellow and limes are green.

This logo uses the complementary of blue and orange. I think the company probably chose these colors because majority of the earth is water, and the logo is round to symbolize the earth. Orange can mean many things, but one in particular is fascination. These two colors together shows that the company can help fascinate a person by helping them connect with the rest of the world.

This logo uses the complementary colors of yellow and purple. I think the company probably chose these colors because purple symbolizes power, devotion, and pride. For yellow, it stands out against the purple background, making it easier to see.

This logo uses the warm colors of red and yellow. I think this company chose these colors because red is often associated with passion, danger and adventure. Superman is willing to do anything to save the Earth from danger. Yellow can represent loyalty. Superman is loyal to the Earth by putting himself in danger in order keep everyone safe.

This logo uses the warm colors of red and yellow. I think this company chose these colors because these two colors are rumored to make people hungry when looking at them.

This logo uses the cool colors of green and blue. I think this company chose these colors because this company sells products that help deal with sickness. When a person is sick, they feel miserable, and these two colors are calm and refreshing. This causes a sick person to want to but their products.

This logo uses the cool colors of blue and green. i think this company chose these colors because blue can symbolize confidence and stability. Green can symbolize energy. Together, this logo tell people that this team is confident, stable, and energetic.

This logo uses the monochromatic color blue. I think this company chose this color because blue is calming. Blue makes people think they have time which benefits this company because this company is a virtual bank.

This logo uses the monochromatic color of green. I think this company chose this color because green symbolizes the Earth and life. Animal planet talks about the Earth and its life. It's a perfect fit.
Triad Color

This logo uses the triad colors of red, yellow, and blue. I think this company chose these colors because red means passion, yellow is happiness, and blue is calming. The staff are passionate about serving their guests, trying to keep them happy and calm.
This logo uses the triad colors of red, blue and yellow. I think this company chose these colors because red can represent adventure, yellow is energy and blue stands out from the other two colors.
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