Tuesday, October 17, 2017

10 Words Animation

The Design

     i first came up with a list of words that best described me. After that, I used adobe Photoshop to animate the words. I don't like it when people use one color or shade of each word when it comes to these types of things, so I used a variety of colors and shades. 

Here's my animation

Extroverted Side

     As I mentioned before, i love children, and care for them deeply. Children love to laugh a lot, so in order to keep them happy, i do random things like walk silly or state obvious facts like "Food is edible" at random times. I love to talk to children as well.

Introverted Me

     I do need some time to myself just lay back, and calm down. So that's why I said I was introverted. I love to read as well, and everywhere you look, there is something to read. Sometimes it's nice to look around and see what's going on. 

Career Cruising

     Not to long ago, I took a quiz asking me about my interests for possible careers I can choose from. The quiz had thirty-six questions and five answers ranging from "Dislike very much" to "Like very much". When the quiz was over, my top results were all teaching jobs, but I also had some interesting careers in my results as well that pertain to Ecom.
Here's an example of Graphic Design. Other
examples include Business Logos

Graphic Design And Ecom

     The one career that most interested me was Graphic Design. I love to draw and create. Other reasons include: Graphic Design is a category my school teaches in Ecom, as well as animation, so I get a head start in the Graphic Design business, and I can create my own designs for clothing and other accessories if I wanted. I also know adults that do graphic design for a living, so I have outside resources that can help me grow and build my skills in graphic design.
     I also got Animator, Computer Animator, Director, Web Designer, and Special Effects Technician.

Other Results 

     Besides graphic design, I got computer animator, animator, director, web designer, special effects technician, and set designer. Most of these are taught in one or two fields of Ecom which is great because like with graphic design, I get a head start on learning about the business and what to do.  
     Other careers I saw were high school, middle school, elementary, special education, and music teacher. I also got Teacher assistant, acting instructor, early childhood educator, choreographer/ dance instructor, ESL teacher, and Foreign language instructor. As you can probably tell, I like teaching. However, I don't understand how i got Dance/ Acting Instructor because i don't even do dance or theater.  

Photo Credits:
Dolphin: “Graphic Design .” Pinterest, www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/246853623298489832/.

 Charlie Brown: Videos, The New. “Charlie Brown Teacher Talking.” YouTube, 6 Aug. 2013, www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6p1Ck0ab80&list=PLj_P00trVlC4O6z9794tOmDJtK7GNwy1W.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Google Sketchup House

     My most recent project In E-com was to build a house in Google Sketchup. Google Sketchup is a program run by Google, and i gives users the ability to build whatever comes to their minds. In my opinion, it's like Minecraft, but with curves.  The controls are pretty simple and easy for beginners, such as myself, to use and help them better understand how to create objects in a 3D computer world.  
This is the front of the house on the website
     To start, I found a real house that was for sale on a website called House plans. I first started designing one house, but I gave up because it was too difficult.  So I found another house. It seemed pretty simple and easy, so I started recreating it in Google Sketchup. Everything was going fine. I knew how to use most of the tools, and the tools id didn't know how to use, I never used.
     Once the basic layout was set, I started running into some trouble. I spent way too much time on two windows because Google Sketchup was giving me a hard time, and felt like being a rebel, and not do what I wanted it to do. I couldn't create a simple, easy, little window because the tools wouldn't do what I wanted them to do. I was pretty frustrated, and upset. I eventually dealt with it, and found a way to create the windows, but it still was agonizing.
     After I was done with the two windows, pretty much everybody in my class was done, and I knew i was behind. Being behind makes me feel like I have to do more work than I really need to do, and I tend to rush things, and I'll get flustered if others try to bother me while I'm working and trying to focus. It's not good for anyone if I am or feel behind. Luckily, I did finish and when I did i realized I wasn't that far behind everybody else.
My seamless stone texture
     When I did finish, I texturized the house. That means I just put colors and textures on my house. It wasn't too difficult. In fact it was the easiest part of the project. Part of this project was to find a seamless texture on the internet. I did, and it is absolutely beautiful because gray stone is obviously prettier than diamonds.
      Overall, I didn't hate this project, but I wasn't fond of it either. If I could do it again, I wouldn't because I thought was going to lose my sanity trying to create those two windows, and I don't  want to go through that again, but if I absolutely had to do it again, then I would change it where the students can choose to create their own house, or find one online, and not do an exact recreation of it, but change it to where there some similarities but the student's creation is still its own thing.
     Click here to see more of the real house :)